mardi 7 juin 2016

Can't login to my WooCommerce instance from python and ruby API wrappers

I've been hacking something in Wordpress, when I felt strange need to use API's and found one at WooCommerce plugin. Unfortunately I can't get it going the right way, as it's giving me the same result, whatever it's Python wrapper or Ruby wrapper -

wapi =
    wp_api: true,
    version: "wc/v1"
=> #<WooCommerce::API:0x007fb2bb0a6840 @url="", @consumer_key="ck_xxxxxxxxx",     @consumer_secret="cs_xxxxxxxxx", @wp_api=true, @version="wc/v1",     @verify_ssl=true, @signature_method="HMAC-SHA256", @is_ssl=false>

print wapi.get("")
{"code"=>"rest_no_route", "message"=>"No route was found matching the     URL and request method", "data"=>{"status"=>404}}=> nil

Please help me get this going on... Wordpress is fresh provisioned from OpenShift cartridges and I can do everything manually, but you know where the fun is?

via Chebli Mohamed

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