lundi 6 juin 2016

Plugin for movie wordpress theme imports movies/tv without the year ? [0000] [on hold]

Scriptburn movie plugin comes with the theme.
The plugin imports movies and tv shows & links from

My website link is:

The problem is it only imports title example : The Green Mile It should be : The Green Mile (1999)

Anyone could help me to solve this issue?

Here is the template code:

class wpmovies_primewire
    protected $html = null;
    protected $html_text = null;
    protected $url_cache = null;
    protected $tmp_dir = null;
    var $domain_url = "";
    var $captcha_sleep = 6;
    public function __construct()
        $this->html = wpmovies_object('html');
        $this->html_dom = wpmovies_object('html_dom');
        $this->url_cache = wpmovies_object('urlcache');
        // $this->url_cache->debug = false;
        $this->domain_url = wpmovies_get_setting('primewire_url');
    function imdburl_to_linkurl($url, $is_show = false)
        $reg = "~(tt\d{6,})~";
        preg_match_all($reg, $url, $arrMatches);
        if (!@$arrMatches[0][0])
            return "";
            $id = $arrMatches[0][0];

        return wpmovies_get_setting('primewire_url') . "/item.php?imdb=$id";
    function strip_page_id($data)
        $page_id = false;
        if (isset($data['page_id']))
            if (is_array($data['page_id']))
                $page_id = $data['page_id'];

                $p = @unserialize(stripslashes(urldecode($data['page_id'])));
                if (is_array($p))
                    $page_id = $p;

                    $page_id = array('primewire' => $data['page_id']);
            $page_id = (urldecode($data['meta_extra']['page_id']));
            //  die($page_id);
            if ($page_id)
                $page_id = @unserialize($page_id);
                if (!is_array($page_id))
                    $page_id = array('primewire' => $page_id);

        return $page_id;
    function generate_url($post_detail, $fetch_id = false, $s = 0, $e = 0)
        $this->html = wpmovies_object('html');
        $this->html_dom = wpmovies_object('html_dom');
        $this->url_cache = wpmovies_object('urlcache');
        $url = "";

        $page_id = $this->strip_page_id($post_detail);

        if (!is_array($page_id) && !$post_detail['imdb'])
            return $url;
        if (is_array($page_id) || !$post_detail['imdb'])

            $page_id = $page_id['primewire'];
            if ($post_detail['post_type'] == 'movies')
                $url = wpmovies_get_setting('primewire_url') . "/watch-$page_id-xx";

            elseif ($post_detail['post_type'] == 'shows')
                $url = wpmovies_get_setting('primewire_url') . "/tv-" . $page_id . "-xy" . ($s && $e ? "/season-$s-episode-$e" : '');

        elseif ($post_detail['imdb'] && $fetch_id)
            $provider = identify_movie_info_url($post_detail['imdb']);
            if ($provider['name'] == 'imdb')
                $url = $this->imdburl_to_linkurl($post_detail['imdb']);
                $ret = $this->parse_page_item($url, $cache = true, $details = true, $links = false);

                if ($ret[0])
                    $ret = $ret[1];
                    $page_id = (int) @$ret['details']['page_id']['primewire'];
                    $url = wpmovies_get_setting('primewire_url') . "/watch-" . $page_id . "-xy" . ($s && $e ? "/season-$s-episode-$e" : '');
                    return $url;
        return $url;

    function set_cache_folder($path)
        $this->html = wpmovies_object('html');
        $this->html_dom = wpmovies_object('html_dom');
        $this->url_cache = wpmovies_object('urlcache');
        if (!$this->url_cache)

        $this->url_cache->cache_folder = $path;
    function get_cache_folder($path)
        $this->html = wpmovies_object('html');
        $this->html_dom = wpmovies_object('html_dom');
        $this->url_cache = wpmovies_object('urlcache');
        if (!$this->url_cache)

        return $this->url_cache->cache_folder;
    function parse_array($beg_tag, $close_tag)
        $this->html = wpmovies_object('html');
        $this->html_dom = wpmovies_object('html_dom');
        $this->url_cache = wpmovies_object('urlcache');
        preg_match_all("($beg_tag.*$close_tag)siU", $this->html, $matching_data);
        return $matching_data[0];

    function fetch_page($url, $verify_text = "", $cache = false)
        $this->html = wpmovies_object('html');
        $this->html_dom = wpmovies_object('html_dom');
        $this->url_cache = wpmovies_object('urlcache');
        $this->url_cache->verify_text = $verify_text;
        $time = time();
        $ret = $this->url_cache->cache($url, md5($url) . ".html", $cache);
        //log_local((time() - $time) . " Seconds to fetch");
        return $ret;

    function no_item_in_page($data)
        $str = "Sorry but I couldn't find anything like that";
        return stripos($data, $str) === false ? false : true;

    function is_resumeable($data)
        $resumable_errors = array('Empty reply from server', 'Operation timed out');
        return $data && array_find($data, $resumable_errors);

    function wait_and_fetch($url, $signature, $cache, $retry = 5)
        $this->html = wpmovies_object('html');
        $this->html_dom = wpmovies_object('html_dom');
        $this->url_cache = wpmovies_object('urlcache');
        $j = 0;

        $resumable_errors = array('Empty reply from server', 'Operation timed out');
        while (true)
            $ret = $this->fetch_page($url, $signature, $cache);
            // print_r($ret );

            if (!$ret[0])
                if ($this->is_resumeable($ret[2]))
                    log_local("Error:$ret[1] retrying ");
                    return $ret;
            $this->html_text = $ret[2];
            if (!$this->is_expected_page($this->html_text, $signature))
                if ($this->is_expected_page($this->html_text, 'We suspect that you might be a robot'))
                    if ($j > $retry)
                        log_local("Found captcha retried");
                        return array(0, 'Found captcha');
                        log_local("Found captcha sleeping for " . $this->captcha_sleep . " seconds [$j]");
                    $ret = array(0, 'Unexpected page signature', $ret[1], $signature, $this->html_text);
                    return $ret;
                return $ret;
    function search_items($text, $cache = true)

        $url = wpmovies_get_setting('primewire_url') . "/index.php?search_keywords=" . urlencode($text);
        $items = $this->parse_page_items($url, $cache);

        return $items;
    function parse_page_items($url, $cache = false)
        $this->html = wpmovies_object('html');
        $this->html_dom = wpmovies_object('html_dom');
        $this->url_cache = wpmovies_object('urlcache');
        $signature = 'items found';
        $this->html_text = "";

        $ret = $this->wait_and_fetch($url, $signature, $cache);
        if ($this->no_item_in_page($ret[2]))
            return array(0, "no items");
        $items = array();
        if (!$ret[0])
            return $ret;

        $this->html_text = $ret[2];
        $ret_items = $this->html->get_HTMLtag('class', 'featured_movie_item', $this->html_text, 'div');
        $items_featured = array();

        foreach ($ret_items as &$item)
            $v = $this->html->read_value($item, 'a', 'href');
            $t = $this->html->read_value($item, 'a', 'title');
            if ($t)
                $t = explode("(", $t);
                $t = trim($t[0]);
                $t = substr($t, 5);
            if ($this->domain_url)
                $v = substr($v, 0, 1) == "/" ? $this->domain_url . $v : $v;
            $items_featured[] = array('url' => $v, 'title' => trim($t), 'featured' => 1);

        $ret_items = $this->html->get_HTMLtag('class', 'index_item index_item_ie', $this->html_text, 'div');
        foreach ($ret_items as &$item)
            $v = $this->html->read_value($item, 'a', 'href');
            $t = $this->html->read_value($item, 'a', 'title');
            if ($t)
                $t = explode("(", $t);
                $t = trim($t[0]);
                $t = substr($t, 5);
            if ($this->domain_url)
                $v = substr($v, 0, 1) == "/" ? $this->domain_url . $v : $v;
            $title = trim($t);
            $key = array_search($title, array_column($items_featured, 'title'));
            if ($key === false)
                $items[] = array('url' => $v, 'title' => $title, 'featured' => 0);
        //$items=array_merge( $items_featured,$items);

        return array(1, $items);
    function parse_featured_items($data)

    function get_tvshow_sessions($url, $cache = true, $details = true)
        $this->html = wpmovies_object('html');
        $this->html_dom = wpmovies_object('html_dom');
        $this->url_cache = wpmovies_object('urlcache');
        $session = array();
        $signature = '<strong>Released:</strong>';
        $this->html_text = "";
        $ret = $this->wait_and_fetch($url, $signature, $cache);
        if (!$ret[0])

            return $ret;
        $this->html_text = $ret[2];
        $cnt = $this->html->get_HTMLtag('class', 'tv_episode_item', $this->html_text, 'div', 0);
        $dtl = $this->parse_item_info();
        //    [0] => <div class="tv_episode_item"> <a href="/tv-5211-South-Park/season-1-episode-0">E0
        // <span class="tv_episode_name"> - The Spirit of Christmas (Jesus vs. Frosty)</span>
        //<span class="tv_num_versions">[ 3 Links ]</span></a> </div>
        $page_id = 0;
        foreach ($cnt as &$item)
            if (stripos($item, 'transp2') === false)
                $title = $this->html->get_HTMLtag($attr = 'class', $value = 'tv_episode_name', $item);
                $title = trim(@$title[0]);
                $title = trim(substr($title, 0, 1) == "-" ? substr($title, 1) : $title);
                $href = $this->html->read_value($item, 'a', 'href');

                $href = explode("/", $href);

                $id = $href[1];
                $href = $href[count($href) - 1];
                $href = str_replace(array('season-', 'episode-'), "", $href);
                $href = explode("-", $href);
                $href[0] = (int) $href[0];
                //$href[0] = $href[0] == 0 ? 1 : $href[0];
                $href[1] = (int) $href[1];
                //$href[1] = $href[1] == 0 ? 1 : $href[1];
                $id = explode("-", $id);
                if (!$page_id)
                    $page_id = $id[1];
                if ($href[0] && $href[1])
                    $session[$href[0]][$href[1]] = array('details' => array('title' => $title));
        if (!$details)
            $dt = array();
            $dt = $dtl;
        return array(1, array('details' => $dt, 'sessions' => $session, 'page_id' => array('primewire' => $page_id)));

    function parse_page_item($url, $cache = true, $details = true, $links = true)
        $this->html = wpmovies_object('html');
        $this->html_dom = wpmovies_object('html_dom');
        $this->url_cache = wpmovies_object('urlcache');
        $signature = array('<strong>Air Date:</strong>', '<strong>Released:</strong>', '<strong>Title:</strong>', '<< Previous Episode', 'Next Episode >>');
        $this->html_text = "";
        $ret = $this->wait_and_fetch($url, $signature, $cache);
        if (!$ret[0])
            return $ret;
        $this->html_text = $ret[2];
        $ret = array();

        if ($details)
            $info = $this->parse_item_info();
            $ret['details'] = $info;
        //else {
        //   $ret['details']['title'] = $info->title;
        if ($links)
            $ret['links'] = $this->parse_item_links();

        $ret = array(1, $ret);

        return $ret;

    function parse_item_info()
        $this->html = wpmovies_object('html');
        $this->html_dom = wpmovies_object('html_dom');
        $this->url_cache = wpmovies_object('urlcache');
        $details = array();

        $stag = '<div class="index_container">';
        $etag = '<ul id="multi_drop">';
        $linkarray = $this->html->parse_array($this->html_text, $stag, $etag);
        $imdb = $this->html->get_HTMLtag('class', 'mlink_imdb', $this->html_text, 'div');
        $page_id = $this->html->get_HTMLtag('class', 'mlink_submitlink', $this->html_text, 'div');
        $trailer = "";

        $t = $this->html->get_HTMLtag('data-id', 'trailer', $this->html_text, 'div');

        if (isset($t[0]))
            $t = $t[0];
            $trailer = $this->html->read_value($t, 'iframe', 'src');

        if ($imdb)
            $imdb = $this->html->read_value($imdb[0], 'a', 'href');
            $imdb = "";
        if ($page_id)
            $page_id = $this->html->read_value($page_id[0], 'a', 'href');
            $page_id = explode('/submit.php?movieid=', $page_id);
            $page_id = $page_id[1];
            $page_id = explode("&", $page_id);
            $page_id = $page_id[0];
            $page_id = "";
        foreach ($linkarray as &$vidinfo)

            $vid = $vidinfo;
            $vidinfo = str_replace(["\n", "  "], ["", " "], $vidinfo);

            preg_match("'Title:<\/strong><\/td><td>(.*?)<\/td>'si", $vidinfo, $title);
            $title = @$title[1];

            preg_match("'<div class=\"movie_info\">(.*?)</td>'si", $vidinfo, $desc);
            // print_d($vidinfo);
            //preg_match("'Title:(.*?)</tr>'si", $vidinfo, $title);
            // $title = ""; // trim((strip_tags(@$title[1])));

            if (!$title)
                $title = explode(":", trim((strip_tags(@$desc[1]))));
                $title = @$title[0];

            $desc = trim(strip_tags(@$desc[1]));
            $desc = explode(":", $desc);
            if (count($desc) > 1)
            $desc = implode("", $desc);

            //$desc = count($desc) > 1 ? $desc[count($desc)-1] : $desc[0];
            preg_match("'Released:(.*?)</tr>'si", $vidinfo, $released);
            $released = trim(strip_tags(@$released[1]));
            if (!$released)
                preg_match("'Air Date:(.*?)</tr>'si", $vidinfo, $airdate);
                $released = trim(strip_tags(@$airdate[1]));
            preg_match("'Runtime:(.*?)</tr>'si", $vidinfo, $runtime);
            preg_match("'Genres:(.*?)</tr>'si", $vidinfo, $genres);
            preg_match("'Countries:(.*?)</tr>'si", $vidinfo, $countries);
            preg_match("'Director:(.*?)</tr>'si", $vidinfo, $director);
            preg_match("'Actors:(.*?)</tr>'si", $vidinfo, $actors);
            preg_match("'<li class=\"current-rating\" style=\"width:[0-9]+.[0-9]+px;\">Currently (.*?)<'si", $vidinfo, $rating);
            if (@$rating[1] == '')
                preg_match("'<li class=\"current-rating\" style=\"width:[0-9]+px;\">Currently (.*?)<'si", $vidinfo, $rating);
            $actors = str_replace('</a> <a', '</a>, <a', $actors);

            $thumb = $this->html->get_HTMLtag('class', 'movie_thumb', $vidinfo, 'div');

            $thumb = @$thumb[0];
            $thumb = $this->html->getAttribute('src', $thumb);

            $thumb = (substr(@$thumb, 0, 5) != 'http:' ? 'http:' : '') . $thumb;

            $details = array('title' => $title,
                'featured' => 0,
                'thumb' => $thumb,
                'description' => $desc,
                'trailer' => $trailer,
                'released' => $released,
                'runtime' => trim(strip_tags(@$runtime[1])),
                'genres' => trim(strip_tags(@$genres[1])),
                'countries' => trim(strip_tags(@$countries[1])),
                'director' => trim(strip_tags(@$director[1])),
                'actors' => trim(strip_tags((@$actors[1]))),
                'imdb' => trim(strip_tags($imdb)),
                'rating' => @$rating[1],
                'page_id' => array('primewire' => $page_id));

        return $details;
    function parse_item_links()
        $this->html = wpmovies_object('html');
        $this->html_dom = wpmovies_object('html_dom');
        $this->url_cache = wpmovies_object('urlcache');
        $links = array('detail' => array(), 'simple' => array());
        $stag2 = '<span class=quality_';
        $etag2 = '</div></td>';
        $linkarray2 = $this->html->parse_array($this->html_text, $stag2, $etag2);
        // print_r($linkarray2);
        // die("x");

        foreach ($linkarray2 as &$vid_links)
            $star = 0;
            preg_match("'<span class=quality_(.*?)>'si", $vid_links, $quality);
            if (stristr($vid_links, "star.gif") == true)
                $star = true;}
            preg_match("'<li class=\"current-rating\" style=\"width:[0-9]+.[0-9]+px;\">Currently (.*?)<'si", $vid_links, $rating);
            if (@$rating[1] == '')
                preg_match("'<li class=\"current-rating\" style=\"width:[0-9]+px;\">Currently (.*?)<'si", $vid_links, $rating);
            preg_match("'<a href=\"/external.php(.*?)\"'si", $vid_links, $link);
            if(!is_array($link) || !count($link))

              preg_match("'<a href=\"/goto.php(.*?)\"'si", $vid_links, $link);
            preg_match("'<span class=\"version_veiws\"> (.*?) views'si", $vid_links, $views);

            preg_match("'<span class=\"version_host\"><script type=\"text/javascript\">document.writeln\(\'(.*?)\'\);</script>'si", $vid_links, $host);
            if (isset($link[1]))
                parse_str($link[1], $new_link);
                if ($new_link['url'])
                    $arr_invalid = array('Promo Host', "HD Sponsor", "Watch HD", 'Sponsor Host');
                    if (in_array($host[1], $arr_invalid) === false)
                        $links['detail'][] = array('quality' => $quality[1], 'quality' => $quality[1], 'verified' => $star,
                            'rating' => $rating[1], 'views' => @$views[1], 'host' => $host[1], 'link' => base64_decode($new_link['url']));
                        $links['simple'][] = base64_decode($new_link['url']);

        return $links;
    function clean($string)
        $string = strip_tags($string); //tv-shows have extra tags
        $string = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9\. -]/', '', $string);
        return trim($string);

    function is_expected_page($content, $signature)
        $found = false;
        if (is_array($signature))
            foreach ($signature as &$verf)
                if (!(stripos($content, $verf) === false))
                    $found = true;

            if ($found)
                return true;
            return stripos($content, $signature) === false ? false : true;


via Chebli Mohamed

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