vendredi 10 juin 2016

Removing sidebar from single product page in FACTORY wp theme

I want to disable the sidebar completely from WooCommerce single product page, and make the page full width.

I have read and tried each and every document available but to nothing is available.


  1. Copied the following code to functions.php

    function remove_sidebar_shop() {
        if ( is_product() ) {
            echo("Test if");
        else {
            echo("Test else");

(the echo parts were for debugging)

  1. Commented the get_sidebar(); part from archive-product.php after copying it to my-theme/woocommerce.

  2. Commented the get_sidebar(); part from single-product.php after copying it to my-theme/woocommerce.

  3. Commented the whole sidebar.php file.

But nothing seems to work.

via Chebli Mohamed

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