jeudi 16 juin 2016

WP Contactform 7, label-les checkbox with e-mail value (different from the emptylabel)

General info: - I use wordpress - Enfold theme - Contactform 7 for the contact form

Background information: For an car damage website i need a "where is the damage" option in an contact form. This looks like this:

enter image description here

The custommer can select checkboxes around a picture where the damage is. These checkboxes don't need a label but need to have a value for the e-mail that is send to the repair firm.

As you see i already have added the checkboxes around the image (maybe i need to make it nicer when it works) but in the e-mail i have some problems.

Problem: I made the checkboxes like this (in the Contactform 7plugin) [checkbox rechts-voor-mid "|1, "] The value 1, is now allways displayed in the e-mail, checked or unchecked.

I tryed this also: [checkbox rechts-voor-mid " |1, "] but then the value 1, is never showed in the e-mail, checked or unchecked.

When i try to make a checkbox on this way: [checkbox rechts-voor-mid "someText|1, "] everything works fine BUT then i have a label which i won't have.

Question: Is it posible create (working) checkboxes without label but with an e-mail value in Contactform 7? When this is not posible, is there an "easy" other way to solve my problem?

I tryed: I tryed to contact the contactform 7 support withoud any result. I googled for anwers on my question, i only found that i can use the pipe (|) to make a difference between the label and the value for the e-mail. I can't find a situation where a empty label is wished with an filled email value. This is my last hope.....

Thanks in advance

via Chebli Mohamed

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