I use Wordpress with Timber (as template renderer), and Advanced Custom Fields. I'm struggling with some sub page options.
My problem is that I can't get the options on the right posts (my jobs) – it's only available on the job overview page.
I've created an options sub page to my custom post_type
"job", like so:
if (function_exists("acf_add_options_page")) {
"page_title" => "Job options",
"menu_title" => "Job options",
"menu_slug" => "job_options",
"capability" => "edit_posts",
"parent_slug" => "edit.php?post_type=job"
And I'm able to get that options on the job-overview page, like so:
$context["options"] = get_fields("options");
But when I run that same command on the posts with post_type
"job", then it returns null
How can I get that options to affect the posts with post_type
"job" and not the overview?
via Chebli Mohamed
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