lundi 9 novembre 2015

WordPress comment_post action not working

In my plugin I want to accomplish an action after a comment is inserted into the database.

for that I use comment_post action. Here is my code

Codex: comment_post is an action triggered immediately after a comment is inserted into the database.

* Plugin Fonctionalities Class

class PluginFonctionalities {

    public function __construct() {
        add_action('comment_post', array('do_action_comment'));

    public function do_action_comment( $comment_ID, $comment_approved ) {
        if( 1 === $comment_approved ){
            $outputFile =  plugins_url('includes/output.txt', __FILE__);
            $filehandle = fopen($outputFile, 'a') or die("File creation error.");
            fwrite($fileHandle, "Example of message");

but nothing is happen when i submit the comment form. Any ideas !?

via Chebli Mohamed

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