jeudi 3 décembre 2015

Changing link text php from wordpress shortcode

I am working with a client's wordpress affiliate site.

We are using two plugins in conjunction with each other.

  • ACF (Advanced Custom Fields)
  • EasyAzon (This inserts an affiliate link via shortcode into your post)

I have set up custom fields for this shortcode, and coded it into my them like this.

<div class="top-link"> <?php the_field('link-button'); ?></div>

This outputs:

"<div class="top-link"> <a href="">Buy Now</a> </div>"

And now I want to use the same function "<?php the_field('link-button'); ?>" at the bottom of my page.

However I would like it to display text from yet another ACF field "<?php the_field('bottom-link'); ?>" within the anchor tag.

But if there is no text in that field, I want it to use the text "Click to buy on Amazon"

So here is what I have:

<div class="top-link"><?php the_field('link-button'); ?></div>

<!-- The post content -->           

<div class="bottom-link"> <?php the_field('link-button'); ?></div>

    $link = get_field('bottom-link');

    if (get_field('bottom-link') != '') {
        $link = get_field('bottom-link');
    else {
        $link = "Click to Buy Amazon";

var link = '<?php echo $link; ?>';

jQuery( document ).ready(function() {
    jQuery('.bottom-link a').text(link);

I'm pretty new to both languages, and maybe complicating things a lot. Any thoughts would help!

Here is the dev site live if you're interested in looking at that.

via Chebli Mohamed

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