jeudi 3 décembre 2015

wordpress rocketloader plugin edit to make work with other parts of js section

in cloudfare i have rocketloader on and in my wordpress i have CloudFlare Rocket Loader Ignore this is working for most tags such as

<script data-cfasync="false" src=''>

but its not working for these

<script data-rocketsrc="" type="text/rocketscript"></script>

am trying to edit the plugin file php so it works with that kindly tell me how to make it work please here is the rocketloader plugin code.

Plugin Name: CloudFlare Rocket Loader Ignore
Plugin URI:
Description: Tell CloudFlare Rocket Loader to ignore certain scripts.
Version: 0.0.6
Author: Jimmy Pe&ntilde;a
Author URI:
License: GPLv2 or later
if (!defined('CFRLI_PLUGIN_NAME')) {
    // plugin constants
    define('CFRLI_PLUGIN_NAME', 'CloudFlare Rocket Loader Ignore');
    define('CFRLI_VERSION', '0.0.6');
    define('CFRLI_SLUG', 'cloudflare-rocket-loader-ignore');
    define('CFRLI_LOCAL', 'cfrli');
    define('CFRLI_OPTION', 'cfrli');
    define('CFRLI_OPTIONS_NAME', 'cfrli_options');
    define('CFRLI_PERMISSIONS_LEVEL', 'manage_options');
    define('CFRLI_PATH', plugin_basename(dirname(__FILE__)));
    /* default values */
    define('CFRLI_DEFAULT_ENABLED', true);
    define('CFRLI_DEFAULT_NAMES', '');
    define('CFRLI_DEFAULT_SENTIMENT', false);
    /* option array member names */
    define('CFRLI_DEFAULT_ENABLED_NAME', 'enabled');
    define('CFRLI_DEFAULT_NAMES_NAME', 'fnames');
    define('CFRLI_DEFAULT_SENTIMENT_NAME', 'sentiment');
// oh no you don't
if (!defined('ABSPATH')) {
    wp_die(__('Do not access this file directly.', cfrli_get_local()));


// "borrowed" from
if (!is_admin()) {
function cfrli_inline_and_combined_js_tagging($buffer) {
    $options = cfrli_getpluginoptions();
    $enabled = $options[CFRLI_DEFAULT_ENABLED_NAME];

    if ($enabled) {
        $scripttags = array(
            '<script type="text/javascript" src="',
            '<script type=\'text/javascript\' src="'
        $listoffiles = explode("\n", $options[CFRLI_DEFAULT_NAMES_NAME]);

        if (!empty($listoffiles)) { // proceed only if there are filenames to be processed
            // array_filter to remove empty array elements
            $listoffiles = array_filter(array_map('sanitize_text_field', $listoffiles));
            $sentiment = $options[CFRLI_DEFAULT_SENTIMENT_NAME];

            if ($sentiment) { // we only want the NON-included scripts to be "data-cfasync=false"

                // compile a list of all script tags in HTML source
                $js_tags_array = array();

                foreach ($scripttags as $scripttag) {
                    preg_match('(' . $scripttag . '.*\.js\"></script>)', $buffer, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
                    if (!empty($matches)) { // match was found
                        $buffer .= '<!-- ' . var_export($matches, true) . ' -->';
                        foreach ($matches as $match) { // push onto main array
                            $js_tags_array[] = $match[0];
//              $buffer .= '<!-- ' . var_export($js_tags_array, true) . ' -->';

                if (!empty($js_tags_array)) {
                    // match each filename in plugin settings textbox with each array member
                    for ($i = 0; $i <= count($listoffiles); $i++) {
                        for ($j = 0; $j <= count($js_tags_array); $j++) {
                            if (strpos($js_tags_array[$j], $listoffiles[$i]) !== false) {
                                $matchfound = true;
                                $matchpos = $j;
                        if (!$matchfound) {
                            $updatedfilename = str_replace('type="text/javascript"', 'data-cfasync="false"', $js_tags_array[$matchpos]);
                            $buffer = str_replace($js_tags_array[$matchpos], $updatedfilename, $buffer);
            } else { // only put "false" for matching filenames
                foreach ($listoffiles as $lofname) {
                    foreach ($scripttags as $scripttag) {
                        preg_match('(' . $scripttag . '.*' . $lofname . '.*\.js\"></script>)', $buffer, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
                        if (!empty($matches)) { // match was found
                            // add data-cfasync attrib to matching filenames
                            foreach ($matches as $match) {
                                $updatedfilename = str_replace('type="text/javascript"', 'data-cfasync="false"', $match[0]);
                                $buffer = str_replace($match[0], $updatedfilename, $buffer);
    return $buffer;
function cfrli_flush_buffer() {


    // localization to allow for translations
    add_action('init', 'cfrli_translation_file');
    function cfrli_translation_file() {
        $plugin_path = cfrli_get_path() . '/translations';
        load_plugin_textdomain(cfrli_get_local(), '', $plugin_path);
    // tell WP that we are going to use new options
    // also, register the admin CSS file for later inclusion
    add_action('admin_init', 'cfrli_options_init');
    function cfrli_options_init() {
        register_setting(CFRLI_OPTIONS_NAME, cfrli_get_option(), 'cfrli_validation');
    // validation function
    function cfrli_validation($input) {
        // validate all form fields
        if (!empty($input)) {
            // $input[CFRLI_DEFAULT_NAMES_NAME] = $input[CFRLI_DEFAULT_NAMES_NAME]);
        return $input;
    // add Settings sub-menu
    add_action('admin_menu', 'cfrli_plugin_menu');
    function cfrli_plugin_menu() {
        add_options_page(CFRLI_PLUGIN_NAME, CFRLI_PLUGIN_NAME, CFRLI_PERMISSIONS_LEVEL, cfrli_get_slug(), 'cfrli_page');
    // plugin settings page
    function cfrli_page() {
        // check perms
        if (!current_user_can(CFRLI_PERMISSIONS_LEVEL)) {
            wp_die(__('You do not have sufficient permission to access this page', cfrli_get_local()));
        <div class="wrap">
            <h2 id="plugintitle"><img src="<?php echo cfrli_getimagefilename('redcloud.png'); ?>" title="" alt="" height="64" width="64" align="absmiddle" /> <?php echo CFRLI_PLUGIN_NAME; _e(' by ', cfrli_get_local()); ?><a href="">Jimmy Pe&ntilde;a</a></h2>
            <div><?php _e('You are running plugin version', cfrli_get_local()); ?> <strong><?php echo CFRLI_VERSION; ?></strong>.</div>

            <?php /* */ ?>
            <?php $active_tab = (isset($_GET['tab']) ? $_GET['tab'] : 'settings'); ?>
            <h2 class="nav-tab-wrapper">
              <a href="?page=<?php echo cfrli_get_slug(); ?>&tab=settings" class="nav-tab <?php echo $active_tab == 'settings' ? 'nav-tab-active' : ''; ?>"><?php _e('Settings', cfrli_get_local()); ?></a>
                <a href="?page=<?php echo cfrli_get_slug(); ?>&tab=support" class="nav-tab <?php echo $active_tab == 'support' ? 'nav-tab-active' : ''; ?>"><?php _e('Support', cfrli_get_local()); ?></a>

            <form method="post" action="options.php">
                <?php settings_fields(CFRLI_OPTIONS_NAME); ?>
                <?php $options = cfrli_getpluginoptions(); ?>
                <?php update_option(cfrli_get_option(), $options); ?>
                <?php if ($active_tab == 'settings') { ?>
                    <h3 id="settings"><img src="<?php echo cfrli_getimagefilename('settings.png'); ?>" title="" alt="" height="61" width="64" align="absmiddle" /> <?php _e('Plugin Settings', cfrli_get_local()); ?></h3>
                    <table class="form-table" id="theme-options-wrap">
                        <tr valign="top"><th scope="row"><strong><label title="<?php _e('Is plugin enabled? Uncheck this to turn it off temporarily.', cfrli_get_local()); ?>" for="<?php echo cfrli_get_option(); ?>[<?php echo CFRLI_DEFAULT_ENABLED_NAME; ?>]"><?php _e('Plugin enabled?', cfrli_get_local()); ?></label></strong></th>
                            <td><input type="checkbox" id="<?php echo cfrli_get_option(); ?>[<?php echo CFRLI_DEFAULT_ENABLED_NAME; ?>]" name="<?php echo cfrli_get_option(); ?>[<?php echo CFRLI_DEFAULT_ENABLED_NAME; ?>]" value="1" <?php checked('1', cfrli_checkifset(CFRLI_DEFAULT_ENABLED_NAME, CFRLI_DEFAULT_ENABLED, $options)); ?> /></td>
                        <?php cfrli_explanationrow(__('Is plugin enabled? Uncheck this to turn it off temporarily.', cfrli_get_local())); ?>
                        <?php cfrli_getlinebreak(); ?>
                        <tr valign="top"><th scope="row"><strong><label title="<?php _e('Enter script filenames, one per line', cfrli_get_local()); ?>" for="<?php echo cfrli_get_option(); ?>[<?php echo CFRLI_DEFAULT_NAMES_NAME; ?>]"><?php _e('Enter script filenames, one per line', cfrli_get_local()); ?></label></strong></th>
                            <td><textarea rows="12" cols="75" id="<?php echo cfrli_get_option(); ?>[<?php echo CFRLI_DEFAULT_NAMES_NAME; ?>]" name="<?php echo cfrli_get_option(); ?>[<?php echo CFRLI_DEFAULT_NAMES_NAME; ?>]"><?php echo cfrli_checkifset(CFRLI_DEFAULT_NAMES_NAME, CFRLI_DEFAULT_NAMES, $options); ?></textarea></td>
                        <?php cfrli_explanationrow(__('Enter the filenames of any .js files you want CloudFlare\'s Rocket Loader to ignore. <strong>One filename per line.</strong> Include the .js file extension for specific files, or exclude for filename matching. Ex: jquery-migrate.js to exclude only that file, or \'jquery\' to exclude any files with the word \'jquery\' in them.', cfrli_get_local())); ?>
                        <?php cfrli_getlinebreak(); ?>
                        <tr valign="top"><th scope="row"><strong><label title="<?php _e('Switch plugin sentiment from false to true', cfrli_get_local()); ?>" for="<?php echo cfrli_get_option(); ?>[<?php echo CFRLI_DEFAULT_SENTIMENT_NAME; ?>]"><?php _e('Switch plugin sentiment from false to true', cfrli_get_local()); ?></label></strong></th>
                            <td><input type="checkbox" id="<?php echo cfrli_get_option(); ?>[<?php echo CFRLI_DEFAULT_SENTIMENT_NAME; ?>]" name="<?php echo cfrli_get_option(); ?>[<?php echo CFRLI_DEFAULT_SENTIMENT_NAME; ?>]" value="1" <?php checked('1', cfrli_checkifset(CFRLI_DEFAULT_SENTIMENT_NAME, CFRLI_DEFAULT_SENTIMENT, $options)); ?> /></td>
                        <?php cfrli_explanationrow(__('Check this box and the <em>data-cfasync</em> attribute will only be added for NON-MATCHING JavaScript filenames.', cfrli_get_local())); ?>
                        <?php cfrli_explanationrow(__('Ex: add \'jquery.js\' and check this box, then all other .js files (<strong>except jquery.js</strong>) will be ignored by Rocket Loader.', cfrli_get_local())); ?>
                    <?php submit_button(); ?>
                <?php } else { ?>
                    <h3 id="support"><img src="<?php echo cfrli_getimagefilename('support.png'); ?>" title="" alt="" height="64" width="64" align="absmiddle" /> <?php _e('Support', cfrli_get_local()); ?></h3>
                    <div class="support">
                        <?php echo cfrli_getsupportinfo(cfrli_get_slug(), cfrli_get_local()); ?>
                        <small><?php _e('Disclaimer: This plugin is not affiliated with or endorsed by CloudFlare.', cfrli_get_local()); ?></small>
                <?php } ?>
        <?php }

    // main function and filter
    // based on
    if (!is_admin()) {
        add_filter('clean_url', 'cfrli_add_cfasync', 11, 1);
        add_action('wp_print_scripts', 'cfrli_buffer_output', 1);
        add_action('print_head_scripts', 'cfrli_convert_head_links', 1);
        add_action('print_footer_scripts', 'cfrli_convert_footer_links', 1);
    function cfrli_add_cfasync($url) {
        $options = cfrli_getpluginoptions();
        $enabled = $options[CFRLI_DEFAULT_ENABLED_NAME];

        if ($enabled) {
            $listoffiles = explode("\n", $options[CFRLI_DEFAULT_NAMES_NAME]);
            if (!empty($listoffiles)) { // proceed only if there are filenames to be processed
                if (strpos($url, '.js') !== false) { // its a javascript file being served
                    // array_filter to remove empty array elements
                    $listoffiles = array_filter(array_map('sanitize_text_field', $listoffiles)); // Chapter 6 Pro WordPress Plugin Development, run each filename through sanitize function
                    $sentiment = $options[CFRLI_DEFAULT_SENTIMENT_NAME];
                    if (strpos("?", basename($url)) !== false) { // check for query parameters and remove them -- is this even necessary since strpos will find a match anyway ??
                        $fname = explode("?", basename($url));
                        $thisfilename = $fname[0];
                    } else {
                        $thisfilename = basename($url);
                    if ($sentiment) { // we only want the NON-included scripts to be "data-cfasync=false"
                        for ($i = 0; $i <= count($listoffiles); $i++) {
                            if (strpos($thisfilename, $listoffiles[$i]) !== false) {
                                $matchfound = true;
                        if (!$matchfound) {
                            return "{rocket-ignore}$url";
                    } else { // only put "false" for matching filenames
                        foreach ($listoffiles as $lofname) {
                            if (strpos($thisfilename, $lofname) !== false) {
                                return "{rocket-ignore}$url";
        return $url;
    function cfrli_buffer_output() {
    function cfrli_convert_head_links() {
        $options = cfrli_getpluginoptions();
        $enabled = $options[CFRLI_DEFAULT_ENABLED_NAME];

        $script_out = ob_get_clean();

        if ($enabled) {
            $script_out = str_replace("type='text/javascript' src='{rocket-ignore}", 
                'data-cfasync="false"' . " src='", $script_out);
        print $script_out;
    function cfrli_convert_footer_links() {
        $options = cfrli_getpluginoptions();
        $enabled = $options[CFRLI_DEFAULT_ENABLED_NAME];

        $script_out = ob_get_clean();

        if ($enabled) {
            $script_out = str_replace("type='text/javascript' src='{rocket-ignore}", 
                'data-cfasync="false"' . " src='", $script_out);
        print $script_out;

    // show admin messages to plugin user
    add_action('admin_notices', 'cfrli_showAdminMessages');
    function cfrli_showAdminMessages() {
        global $pagenow;
        if (current_user_can(CFRLI_PERMISSIONS_LEVEL)) { // user has privilege
            if ($pagenow == 'options-general.php') { // we are on Settings menu
                if (isset($_GET['page'])) {
                    if ($_GET['page'] == cfrli_get_slug()) { // we are on this plugin's settings page
                        $options = cfrli_getpluginoptions();
                        if (!empty($options)) {
                            $enabled = (bool)$options[CFRLI_DEFAULT_ENABLED_NAME];
                            if (!$enabled) {
                                echo '<div id="message" class="error">' . CFRLI_PLUGIN_NAME . ' ' . __('is currently disabled.', cfrli_get_local()) . '</div>';
            } // end page check
        } // end privilege check
    } // end admin msgs function
    // enqueue admin CSS if we are on the plugin options page
    add_action('admin_head', 'insert_cfrli_admin_css');
    function insert_cfrli_admin_css() {
        global $pagenow;
        if (current_user_can(CFRLI_PERMISSIONS_LEVEL)) { // user has privilege
            if ($pagenow == 'options-general.php') { // we are on Settings menu
                if (isset($_GET['page'])) {
                    if ($_GET['page'] == cfrli_get_slug()) { // we are on this plugin's settings page
    // add helpful links to plugin page next to plugin name
    add_filter('plugin_action_links_' . plugin_basename(__FILE__), 'cfrli_plugin_settings_link');
    add_filter('plugin_row_meta', 'cfrli_meta_links', 10, 2);

    function cfrli_plugin_settings_link($links) {
        return cfrli_settingslink($links, cfrli_get_slug(), cfrli_get_local());
    function cfrli_meta_links($links, $file) {
        if ($file == plugin_basename(__FILE__)) {
            $links = array_merge($links,
                sprintf(__('<a href="">Support</a>', cfrli_get_local()), cfrli_get_slug()),
                sprintf(__('<a href="">Documentation</a>', cfrli_get_local()), cfrli_get_slug()),
                sprintf(__('<a href="">FAQ</a>', cfrli_get_local()), cfrli_get_slug())
        return $links;  
    // enqueue/register the admin CSS file
    function cfrli_admin_styles() {
    function register_cfrli_admin_style() {
            plugins_url(cfrli_get_path() . '/css/admin.css'),
            CFRLI_VERSION . "_" . date('njYHis', filemtime(dirname(__FILE__) . '/css/admin.css')),
    // when plugin is activated, create options array and populate with defaults
    register_activation_hook(__FILE__, 'cfrli_activate');
    function cfrli_activate() {
        $options = cfrli_getpluginoptions();
        update_option(cfrli_get_option(), $options);

        // delete option when plugin is uninstalled
        register_uninstall_hook(__FILE__, 'uninstall_cfrli_plugin');
    function uninstall_cfrli_plugin() {

    // generic function that returns plugin options from DB
    // if option does not exist, returns plugin defaults
    function cfrli_getpluginoptions() {
        return get_option(cfrli_get_option(), 

    // encapsulate these and call them throughout the plugin instead of hardcoding the constants everywhere
    function cfrli_get_slug() { return CFRLI_SLUG; }
    function cfrli_get_local() { return CFRLI_LOCAL; }
    function cfrli_get_option() { return CFRLI_OPTION; }
    function cfrli_get_path() { return CFRLI_PATH; }

    function cfrli_settingslink($linklist, $slugname = '', $localname = '') {
        $settings_link = sprintf( __('<a href="options-general.php?page=%s">Settings</a>', $localname), $slugname);
        array_unshift($linklist, $settings_link);
        return $linklist;
    function cfrli_getsupportinfo($slugname = '', $localname = '') {
        $output = __('Do you need help with this plugin? Check out the following resources:', $localname);
        $output .= '<ol>';
        $output .= '<li>' . sprintf( __('<a href="">Documentation</a>', $localname), $slugname) . '</li>';
        $output .= '<li>' . sprintf( __('<a href="">FAQ</a><br />', $localname), $slugname) . '</li>';
        $output .= '<li>' . sprintf( __('<a href="">Support Forum</a><br />', $localname), $slugname) . '</li>';
        $output .= '<li>' . sprintf( __('<a href="">Plugin Homepage / Demo</a><br />', $localname), $slugname) . '</li>';
        $output .= '<li>' . sprintf( __('<a href="">Development</a><br />', $localname), $slugname) . '</li>';
        $output .= '<li>' . sprintf( __('<a href="">Changelog</a><br />', $localname), $slugname) . '</li>';
        $output .= '</ol>';

        $output .= sprintf( __('If you like this plugin, please <a href="">rate it on</a>', $localname), $slugname);
        $output .= sprintf( __(' and click the <a href="">Works</a> button. ', $localname), $slugname);
        $output .= '<br /><br /><br />';
        $output .= __('Your donations encourage further development and support. ', $localname);
        $output .= '<a href=""><img src="" alt="Donate with PayPal" title="Support this plugin" width="92" height="26" /></a>';
        $output .= '<br /><br />';
        return $output;     
    function cfrli_checkifset($optionname, $optiondefault, $optionsarr) {
        return (isset($optionsarr[$optionname]) ? $optionsarr[$optionname] : $optiondefault);
    function cfrli_getlinebreak() {
      echo '<tr valign="top"><td colspan="2"></td></tr>';
    function cfrli_explanationrow($msg = '') {
        echo '<tr valign="top"><td></td><td><em>' . $msg . '</em></td></tr>';
    function cfrli_getimagefilename($fname = '') {
        return plugins_url(cfrli_get_path() . '/images/' . $fname);

via Chebli Mohamed

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