I want to add an options page to my wp plugin but it is not being displayed. I had copied this code from an earlier plugin of mine. Please notify if you see any discontinuation of code. A bunch of thanks in advance!
//Registering fields for the settings page
function SPIG_settings_init( ) {
register_setting( 'pluginPage', 'SPIG_settings' );
__( 'This is the options page for the Scattered Polaroid Image Gallery plugin.', 'wordpress' ),
__( 'Select the color of the overlay.', 'wordpress' ),
__( 'Select the color of the polaroid backgrounds.', 'wordpress' ),
__( 'Select the background color of the gallery section.', 'wordpress' ),
add_action( 'admin_init', 'SPIG_settings_init' );
//Callback function to display the overlay color field
function SPIG_text_field_0_render( ) {
$options = get_option( 'SPIG_settings' );
<input class='color-field' type="text" name='SPIG_settings[SPIG_text_field_0]' value='<?php echo $options['SPIG_text_field_0']; ?>'/>
//Callback function to display the background color picker field
function SPIG_text_field_1_render( ) {
$options = get_option( 'SPIG_settings' );
<input type='text' class='color-field' name='SPIG_settings[SPIG_text_field_1]' value='<?php echo $options['SPIG_text_field_1']; ?>'>
//Callback function to display the polaroid color picker field
function SPIG_text_field_2_render( ) {
$options = get_option( 'SPIG_settings' );
<input type='text' class='color-field' name='SPIG_settings[SPIG_text_field_2]' value='<?php echo $options['SPIG_text_field_2']; ?>'>
//Callback function to display the subtext under the title
function SPIG_settings_section_callback( ) {
echo __( 'This is the options page for the Scattered Polaroid Image Gallery plugin.', 'wordpress' );
//Creating the settings page
function SPIG_options_page( ) {
<form action='options.php' method='post'>
<i class="dashicons dashicons-format-gallery"></i><h2>Scattered Polaroid Image Gallery</h2>
settings_fields( 'pluginPage' );
do_settings_sections( 'pluginPage' );
function SPIG_menu_page(){
add_menu_page('Scattered Polaroid Image Gallery','Scattered Polaroid Gallery','manage_options',__FILE__,'SPIG_options_page','dashicons-images-alt');
via Chebli Mohamed
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