samedi 30 janvier 2016

maximize number of special characters in registeration in wordpress

WordPress don't accept member registration with special characters in username , i used the simple following plugin to resolve this issue , it is ok but the issue that maximum number of special characters member can use is 8 only , what can i increase it ? thanks alot



Plugin Name: Wordpress Special Characters in Usernames

Plugin URI:

Description: Enables usernames containing special characters (russian, cyrillic, arabic) on your Wordpress Blog

Version: 1.2

Author: Claude Schlesser

Author URI:

License: GPL2



 * Overrides the Wordpress sanitize_user filter to allow special characters


function wscu_sanitize_user ($username, $raw_username, $strict)


    //Strip HTML Tags

    $username = wp_strip_all_tags ($raw_username);

    //Remove Accents

    $username = remove_accents ($username);

    //Kill octets

    $username = preg_replace ('|%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])|', '', $username);

    //Kill entities

    $username = preg_replace ('/&.+?;/', '', $username);

    //If strict, reduce to ASCII, Cyrillic and Arabic characters for max portability.

    if ($strict)


        //Read settings

        $settings = get_option ('wscu_settings');


        $username = preg_replace ('|[^a-z\p{Arabic}\p{Cyrillic}0-9 _.\-@]|iu', '', $username);


    //Remove Whitespaces

    $username = trim ($username);

    // Consolidate contiguous Whitespaces

    $username = preg_replace ('|\s+|', ' ', $username);


    return $username;


add_filter ('sanitize_user', 'wscu_sanitize_user', 10, 3);

via Chebli Mohamed

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