samedi 30 janvier 2016

Wordpress plugin - how to disable js/css per page

With Wordpress you have good/bad plugins, some being much more economical than others. By economical I mean that they only call the CSS and JavaScript required for the function when the page is loaded where that function is enabled. Others don't discriminate and call the code on all pages. This can have a negative effect on page load speed/performance.

I have some plugins that are heavy in CSS and are laden with reems of jQuery/Javascript files - I only want them to be enabled on particular pages (not home). In hand I have the page ID and alias. Looking in the plugin folder I also see the main php file that includes all the JS / CSS. Within that file I tried something like is_page() but it seems to have no impact as if is_page has not yet been set.

    <?php if ( is_page( '3486' ) ) { exit; } ?>

exit on a line by itself kills the page indicating that the script is being called.

The question, "How and where do you place an if statement that will prevent the plugin CSS/JavaScript from being called on all pages but a particular one (or perhaps an array of pages)?

I could name the plugin but the question is really more generic to any plugin.

via Chebli Mohamed

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