jeudi 10 mars 2016

Breadcrumbs restart at checkout in custom WooCommerce purchasing process using direct checkout

I have made a custom WooCommerce shopping process using the WC direct checkout plug-in and custom add to cart anchor links which are around product images; see link example below.

<a href="http://localhost:45314/?add-to-cart=23"><img src=""/></a>

The customer chooses a size by means of clicking a normal anchor tag on a normal Wordpress page > The customer is navigated to another page with 4 images that if clicked add a product to the cart and navigate the customer direct to the checkout page > checkout.

This means that the purchasing process includes default Wordpress pages containing WC product add to cart shortcodes that go directly to the WooCommerce checkout.

So, I want the breadcrumbs to look like this on the checkout page:

Home > Choose Size > Monthly Plans > Checkout

The problem is that when I am on the Wordpress page part of the purchasing process the WC breadcrumb trail is fine, like this:

enter image description here

But, soon as I add a product to the cart which move the user directly to the checkout, the checkout page breadcrumbs miss out the previous trail and just start again from home; like this:

enter image description here

I’ve been looking into this over the past two days and the only solution I can find is to just add a permanent (not dynamic) breadcrumb trail on the pages or use the default WC cart process, which is out of the question.

Does anyone else have any suggestions please?

via Chebli Mohamed

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