Im trying to disable a plugin on a wordpress frontpage to make it a bit lighter.
I got this working code where I put in wp-content/mu-plugins/ The only problem is that I cannot make it work for frontpage , only works for subpages
Here is the code :
add_filter( 'option_active_plugins', 'lg_disable_plugin' );
function lg_disable_plugin($plugins){
if(strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '/subpage/') === FALSE AND strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '/wp-admin/') === FALSE) {
$key = array_search( 'was-this-helpful-pro/was-this-helpful-pro.php' , $plugins );
if ( false !== $key ) {
unset( $plugins[$key] );
return $plugins;
I also found another code which works.... But its the same story , I cannot figure out how to make it work for the frontpage, only subpages works
$listener_term = '/subpage/';
$current_url = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . '';
// listener for the thin load
if ( strstr( $current_url, $listener_term ) ) {
add_filter( 'option_active_plugins', 'api_request_disable_plugin' );
function api_request_disable_plugin( $plugins ) {
$plugins_not_needed = array(
foreach ( $plugins_not_needed as $plugin ) {
$key = array_search( $plugin, $plugins );
if ( false !== $key ) {
unset( $plugins[ $key ] );
return $plugins;
Maybe its not possible ?
via Chebli Mohamed
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