mercredi 25 mai 2016

Kirki - Duplicate theme page with Kirki customizer

I've purchased the BeOnePage Pro. It is a one page theme. I'm trying to create a new page named Contact and use the contact and map modules in this page from the front page. I thought I could duplicate the front page then use customizer to add/remove modules. I've duplicated the Front page using a wp plugin Duplicate Post by Enrico Battocchi and named it Contact. When i go to my new contact page I don't see any of the modules from the front page. And no modules show using the customizer. I've visited the Kirki Documentation but I am still lost. I can edit the files but again I don't know what files or code to write and I'm not getting any feedback from the theme developer. Can anyone help me create my new contact page by telling me how to do this or giving me some suggestions or pointing me in the right direction? Thanks in advance

via Chebli Mohamed

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