mardi 31 mai 2016

W3 Total Cache Increases Site Load Time

Since installing W3 Total Cache, my website's load time has shot up to 4.82 seconds (at least doubled), so I'm looking for some help with fixing any issues because I'm almost sure there's an incorrect setting or conflict somewhere. It's quite noticeable, as on first load (after clearing all caches), the page is completely blank for about 2-3 seconds. See

At the moment, I have the following enabled:

  • Page Cache (Disk: Enhanced)
  • Minify (Auto, Disk, Default, JSMin, Default)
  • Browser Cache (Set Last-Modified header, gzip Compression)

Separately, I'm also compressing my images using WP Smush. I've also noticed that PageSpeed Insights doesn't detect browser caching as enabled, stating "expiration not specified".

Any help or guidance would be really appreciated. I can provide more detailed settings if necessary. Thanks in advance!

via Chebli Mohamed

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