mardi 31 mai 2016

Live Composer plug in to plant my wordpress site

Everything was working fine on Wordpress until we tried the page builder plugin called "Live Composer" (version We installed this plugin without any problem through WP dashboard but when we clicked on "activate" (to activate the plugin), we got an error message (I cannot remember what was written exactly but basically the install has failed). Shortly after that, we first realised that none of the plugins on the website were working (we did refresh various pages of the website), and it became clear that the database was affected. WP could no longer establish a connection with the database.

Right after that we were logged out of the dashboard, with no possibility to log in again. Our login and password no longer worked (there was a redirection to the homepage instead of being logged in the dashboard). We tried (with no success) - to delete "Live Composer" via ftp - to deactivate all plugins via ftp (temporarily rename the plugins folder) - to remove a line linked to "Live Composer" in the database

After all that, since nothing had changed, we put everything back to "normal" and we're still looking for a solution.

By the way, it may be worth mentioning that another page builder called SiteOrigin was already installed when we tried Live Composer.

via Chebli Mohamed

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