mardi 19 janvier 2016

Quantity intervals based shipping price per product

How to achieve to set different shipping price (may be a a coınstant or a function of quantity and a rate) for different quantities of a product per product in Woocommerce for wordpress.

  1. quantity interval 1 -> shipping price 1 (may be: constant + quantity*rate)
  2. quantity interval 2 -> shipping price 2 (may be: constant + quantity*rate)
  3. quantity interval 3 -> shipping price 3 (may be: constant + quantity*rate)
  4. quantity interval 4 -> shipping price 4 (may be: constant + quantity*rate)

Each product needs to have its own set of quantity interval -> shipping price function.

Can one achieve this amount of configurability with woo commerce by third party plugins? If so what are the plugins offers this functionality?

via Chebli Mohamed

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