vendredi 12 février 2016

Can't get Windows oAuth credentails to work

  • Situation: Have Wordpress site on Azure using Azure direct install of it.
  • My site url is
  • Want to use a plugin for external authentication.
  • Attempting to use WP-OAuth 0.4 Wordpress plugin.
  • Need Windows Live Client ID and Client Secret
  • Following steps at
  • Able register app and get the Client Parameters
  • But in configuring the app need to action: "For web apps, configure the Redirect URLs" so I choose API Settings.
  • I choose No for Phone or desktop app as is Website.
  • I leave target domain empty
  • Restrict JWT issuing I leave as yes
  • Root Domain is greyed out (can't enter anything) .. I guess this is the issue.
  • I enter in Redirect URLs
  • When I save it says "Enter a URL that contains the root domain"


I did try inserting the Client settings in plugin but attempting to login with Windows Live fails .. as expected. :)

via Chebli Mohamed

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