jeudi 28 avril 2016

Dilemma plugin customization please help me...!

thanks for responding advance i need thus feature in my site. i needs to be any visitors to vote and share a dilemma on social media, no registration necessary. The 6 additional features I want are these: 1.I need each dilemma to have a visible 24 hours countdown then delete itself permanently

2.I want to be able to add dilemmas with 2 pictures quickly with categories.

3.I want visitors to vote first before they see the results (Each dilemma will just show just the total number of voters first, then the results after the vote is submitted) and each visitors vote only once for each dilemma (cookie).

4.I want people who voted to be able add their email to receive the final results when the countdown is finished (optional), and add a password to create an account (optional) for next dilemmas.

  1. I would like visitors to have a form to create their own dilemma and get a link for it, free for basic dilemmas with 24 hours countdown, and premium for longer ($1 for 3 days, $5 for 7 days, $9 for 15 days, $15 for 30 days).

my website is there: plugin demo:

thanx again

via Chebli Mohamed

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