vendredi 22 avril 2016

how to pass ID inside shortcode - wordpress

I need to modify one of my themes shortcodes so that I can pass a class ID to the columns. This is the shortcode: I need to be able to put in extra parameter id="" and then put in any ID

 if (!function_exists('two_col_50_50_col1')) {
 function two_col_50_50_col1($atts, $content = null) {
 return '<div class="two_columns_50_50 clearfix"><div        
 class="column1"><div class="column_inner">' . do_shortcode($content)  .   '</div></div>';
 add_shortcode('two_col_50_50_col1', 'two_col_50_50_col1');

 if (!function_exists('two_col_50_50_col2')) {
 function two_col_50_50_col2($atts, $content = null) {
  return '<div class="column2"><div class="column_inner">' .      do_shortcode($content) . '</div></div></div>';
add_shortcode('two_col_50_50_col2', 'two_col_50_50_col2');

via Chebli Mohamed

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