lundi 25 avril 2016

Wordpress Option Tree plugin not save key values

I use this plugin for save values for my theme , actually in localhost in my server works fine , but when i install in production server not works

The problem it´s with the keys , if i build a key with "_" no problem for works but if in produxction server i use key with "-" not save never the value , this problem only when install system in production server

For example this :

        'id'          => 'tpe-carousel-front',
        'label'       => 'CarouselFront',
        'default'     => 'Carousel Front Web',
        'type'        => 'textarea-simple',
        'section'     => 'caroufront'

This works for me in localhost but no in production server , but if i use "_" and not "-" , in production server works , i don´t understand why happend this , i try all and continue with this problem

Thank´s for the help , regards

via Chebli Mohamed

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