vendredi 20 mai 2016

Call WP plugin function only if certain condition is met

I am willing to use a GA plugin (Google Analytics, ex-yoast, now by Monsterinsights), but I would like the functions of this plugin to be called ONLY if ceartain conditions are met - in my case, if users accept cookies. I found EU Cookie Law, a nice Italian plugin that provides a simple way to execute some code, only if users opt in/

if ( function_exists('cookie_accepted') && cookie_accepted() ) {
    // Your code

Now, I could put GA code there, but I would like very much to benefit GA plugin advanced functions. But I wonder what would be the appropiate strategy (and code) to kind of "desactivate" GA plugin and activate it only "if cookies accepted".

Any idea?

Thanks, Agnes

via Chebli Mohamed

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