Im trying to pass multiple image ids through a wordpress shortcode, currently my wordpress shortcode is as follows:
[lemonslider images="35,46,43,42,41"]
And my function for this as follows, the idea was for each image id it would return a html image string for each of the image ids, but currently it only generates one:
function lemon_slider( $atts ){
$a = shortcode_atts( array(
'images' => '44',
'toshow' => '5',
), $atts );
$SlImages = $a['images'];
$arrlength = count($SlImages);
for($x = 0; $x < $arrlength; $x++) {
$image_attributes = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $attachment_id = $SlImages);
return ('<img src=' . $image_attributes[0] . ' width=' . $image_attributes[1] . ' height=' . $image_attributes[2] . ' />');
add_shortcode( 'lemonslider', 'lemon_slider' );
Ive been looking at foreach loops but Im not sure how to return multiple values.
via Chebli Mohamed
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