dimanche 1 mai 2016

if title contains string 'aaa','bbb' or ,'ccc' replace field {category[1}

Hello gods of Stackoverflow,

Now i hate to be "that guy" who didnt search properly but i am running into a problem that i need a fix for and can't find a solution i can work with because of my lack in coding skills, my knowledge barely tickles the surface.

Here's the thing.

I am using a tool to import feeds into my website (WP all Import) as woocommerceproducts. But in the categorization the feed suppliers made errors which i want to tackle without emailing them everytime i stumble upon one.

i.e: the title contains words like satchel, bag, clutch etc but the product is categorized as 'jewellery > earrings' in the CSV or XML.

The import tool will ask me where to find the product category, i point it to the node {category[1]}

But when the category is missing or faulty i want it to check the title for certain words, and if present change the value of it to that found word.

something like: 

[if ({title[1]}contains "satchel") {
    category = "bags > satchel",
} else if ({title[1]} contains clutch) {
    category = "bags > clutch",
} else {
    category = {sub_category[1]} #the normal value if nothing was found 

I just can't find the pieces to put the formatting together. I might need to work towards a function that i could expand to generate categories based solely out of presence of certain words in the title but maybe when i get better that would be an option.

I hope i was able to provide a clear view on the problem. The "[ ]" is there because thats how the plugin wants code to be entered instead of a {fieldname[1]}, another example below:

The following was an example of a problem i was able to fix: i needed to replace values like "0/3months/1/2months" to "0-3 months/1-2months" before i replaced the slash"/" with a pipe"|" for wordpress to recognize it as a seperate value.


The fields can also be used to call functions but only in the 'pro' version of the plugin.

Any help is very much appreciated, thanks in advance.

via Chebli Mohamed

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