lundi 18 avril 2016

Instant Articles for WP and Page Builder by SiteOrigin

I have a little issue:


PHP 5.5.9/7.0.4 - prod/dev

DB MySQL5.6/MariadDB10 - prod/dev+

Server Nginx 1.4.6/1.9.6 - prod/dev

Memcache prod with/dev none

WP 4.4.2

Page Builder by SiteOrigin 2.2 (Latest 2.4.6)

The issues is that "Empty Instant Article: The Instant Article does not have any content."

I did some research and find out that SiteOrigin PageBuilder saves his data in get_post_meta($post->ID, 'panels_data');

But instant-articles plugin grab only posts with content (post_content), and my content is empty, and I comment it filter, one problem is fixed, that there is no post in feed.

// add_filter( 'posts_where' , 'instant_articles_query_where', 10, 2 );

And my question is:

how to before get content from page builder and then parse it with instant articles

via Chebli Mohamed

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